Delivery Only Policy

  1. Delivery Services:
    • Express Rental Service provides delivery services for all rental items to the specified location provided by the customer.
    • Delivery fees will be determined based on the distance, volume, and complexity of the delivery. Please refer to our current delivery fee schedule for more information.
  2. Delivery Booking:
    • Customers are required to schedule the delivery of rental items at the time of placing their order.
    • To secure the delivery service, a non-refundable delivery fee is applicable and must be paid at the time of booking.
  3. Delivery Timeframe:
    • Express Rental Service will coordinate with the customer to establish a delivery timeframe.
    • While we make every effort to adhere to the agreed-upon schedule, unforeseen circumstances such as traffic or weather conditions may impact delivery times.
  4. Access and Site Readiness:
    • Customers must ensure that the delivery location is accessible and prepared for the arrival of our delivery team.
    • Adequate space, clear pathways, and any necessary permissions for unloading must be arranged in advance.
  5. Unloading and Setup:
    • Our delivery team will unload the rental items at the specified location and assist with basic setup if included in the order.
    • Customers are responsible for providing clear instructions regarding the setup requirements and ensuring the designated area is ready for installation.
  6. Inspection Upon Delivery:
    • Upon delivery, customers are encouraged to inspect all rental items to ensure they meet their expectations and are in good condition.
    • Any concerns or discrepancies must be reported to our delivery team immediately.
  7. Pick-Up Services:
    • Express Rental Service will schedule the pick-up of rental items at the end of the agreed rental period.
    • Customers are responsible for making sure all rental items are accessible and ready for pick-up.
  8. Late Fees:
    • Customers must notify Express Rental Service in advance if there are any changes to the delivery schedule.
    • Late fees may apply if our delivery team is unable to access the site or if there are delays in the agreed-upon schedule.
  9. Cancellations:
    • Delivery fees are non-refundable in the event of order cancellations.
  10. Contact Information:
    • For any questions or concerns regarding our Delivery Only Policy, please contact our customer service team at [email protected].

By choosing Express Rental Service, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this Delivery Only Policy. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to assisting you in creating a memorable event. Thank you for trusting Express Rental Service with your event needs!